Phone: 971-217-7439


Degrees and Certifications:

Clair Zinc-Pearl

Blended Online Science Teacher

Born and raised in Corvallis and Albany, Oregon, Clair attended West Albany High School. Clair earned a Bachelor of Science in Business and Sociology at Oregon State University. She also earned a Master of Arts in Teaching at Portland State University with an endorsement in Integrated Science. After completing her undergraduate degree, Clair joined Teach for America and taught middle school English and Reading in the Greater New Orleans Area. During that time, she was also a seminar leader in The New Teacher Project, helping first-year teachers obtain licensure. Clair took a hiatus from teaching to run her own business but came back to teach middle school Science at Open School in East Portland. Clair also has significant experience teaching after-school programming to students of all ages as well as gardening education. Clair’s favorite part about blended/online learning is how flexible it is to meet the needs of diverse learners. When she is not working, Clair enjoys watching the Drag Race franchise, watching live music, and playing with her two dogs.

“All that you touch you Change. All that you Change Changes you. The only lasting truth is Change.” - Octavia Butler